Types of Artificial Intelligence Based on Functionalities

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The world changes all the time due to constant innovation. We are now on the cutting edge of technology, with mind-blowing devices, services, and products that continue to amaze us. Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has also enabled progress on real-world problems in health, education, and the environment. It has the potential to enhance our quality of life significantly. Artificial intelligence can sometimes perform tasks more efficiently or methodically than human intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that seeks ways to make machines function and behave intelligently. Fundamentally, AI is about developing computers and machines capable of complex reasoning and learning. These machines are intelligent because they can complete tasks traditionally assumed to require the assistance of humans.

AI research has made significant advances in recent years. Artificial intelligence-powered tools are now in use for a variety of human projects. The various types of AI is broadly classified into two categories: AI capabilities and AI functionalities. This article examines the types of AI based on functionality.

Continue reading to learn more about the four major types of AI—reactive machines, limited memory machines, theory of mind, and self-awareness. And their applications in everyday life.

How Do We Use AI in Everyday Life

AI generates numerous programs and services that assist us in everyday tasks, such as connecting with friends, using an email program, or using a ride-sharing service. If you are concerned about how to utilize artificial intelligence, you may be relieved to know that most of us have been using it daily for many years. Here are some areas where AI plays a vital role in helping humans with their daily needs:

  • Taxi Booking Apps
  • Voice Assistants
  • Chatbots
  • Entertainment Streaming Apps
  • Personalized Marketing
  • Image Recognition through Google Lens
  • Social Media Algorithms
  • Smart Input Keyboards
  • Fraud Detection in Banking
  • Navigation and Travel
  • Gamified Therapy
  • Fall Detection and Car Crash Detection

Four Types of AI Based on Functionality

Concerning functionality, we define four types of AI machines, each to resolve a different problem. These are reactive machines with limited memory, a theory of mind, and self-awareness. In the following sections, we will introduce you to each of these types, including their characteristics and application techniques.

  1. Reactive Machine

Reactive machines are the most basic type of AI systems that operate on immediate reactivity; they do not store memories or past experiences for use with future decisions. A reactive machine sees the world as it is now and decides based on that perception.

Reactive machines have advantages and disadvantages; we cannot expect interaction, emotion, or consciousness from them. However, they are dependable in completing tasks because they respond the same way to the same situation every time. They are also programmed for specific tasks and cannot perform other duties. As a result, reactive machines can be easily tricked.

Reactive Machine AI Example

Netflix Recommendation Engine: AI-powered recommendation engines, such as those used by Netflix, process data from someone’s watch history to determine and suggest what they will probably watch next.

  1. Limited Memory

Limited memory machines have short-term memory, allowing them to temporarily keep and use fresh data. As the name implies, they can look into the past and create memories – not in the distant past, but still. This type of artificial intelligence is more advanced than reactive machines.  Information gathered from previous experiences is not saved in the machine’s content library for later use. Unfortunately, it is temporary.

Limited Memory AI Example

Self-Diving Cars: As they drive, self-driving cars constantly observe and process their surroundings. It allows them to anticipate when needing to turn, stop, or avoid an obstacle. 

  1. Theory of Mind

While reactive and limited memory AI machines exist and are in used in everyday situations, Theory of Mind (ToM) is the future we look forward to. We expect these machines to be able to interact meaningfully because they can understand another person’s intent and emotions. That is the goal: if AI systems are to walk among us as members of society, they must change their behavior and treat others with dignity and care. Although the theory of mind has yet to be ultimately developed, plenty of research is done in this area. So we can expect results soon.

  1. Self-Aware AI

Self-awareness is the awareness of one’s personality or individuality. A self-aware AI would be a system that understands its internal states. The prospect of AI systems becoming so intelligent that they have self-awareness is exciting and terrifying. Current thinking suggests that this type of AI machine is a long way off. Still, humans should not be dismissed so easily; with the advancement of AI technology, it is entirely possible that super-intelligent systems with developed consciousness, similar to humans, will be created shortly.

Self-Aware AI Example

Sophia is the most well-known example. It is a robot created by the robotics company Hanson Robotics. While Sophia is not technically self-aware, her advanced use of current AI technologies offers a glimpse into AI’s potentially self-aware future. It is a future full of promise and danger, with debate over whether building sentient AI is ethical.

Technologies Driven by AI

Final Thoughts

Everyone today wants to interact with AI technology in some way, whether as a developer or an end user, which is understandable. Humans have created an intelligent being capable of performing tasks intelligently, even when not explicitly instructed, thinking and acting rationally and humanely. As you can see, regardless of how we divide artificial intelligence by functionality, the human ability to create these systems has yet to achieve its goal.

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